Meeting Delegations

Present your idea at a Council Meeting!

If you would like to speak or make a short presentation at a council meeting please fill out the delegation request form and return it to the Municipal Clerk by email, mail, or in-person at the Municipal Office.

Delegation Processes and Rules

Individuals or groups wishing to appear at a Regular Council Meeting (6:00 p.m.) or Committee of the Whole Meeting (5:00 p.m.) may submit a written or verbal request to the Clerk not later than 4:30 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The individual or group’s request shall state the nature of the business to be discussed and to which the said person shall confine their remarks. 

Individuals or groups wishing to appear before a Committee may submit a written or verbal request to the Recording Secretary no later than three (3) business days prior to the meeting.

The submission of a written request to be a delegation does not guarantee the request will be approved. The Municipality reserves the right to schedule or deny a request for a delegation.

Depending on the situation, delegations shall be encouraged to first resolve the issue with staff. Matters which are operational or administrative only shall be referred to the appropriate Senior Management Team/Resource Person for resolution.

A delegation, once heard, shall not be entitled to be heard at a Meeting on substantially the same matter for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of its first meeting.

New information required for Subsequent Delegations – Requests from delegations who have previously addressed Members on the same matter at a Regular Meeting shall not be granted unless there is new information to present. If, in the opinion of the Clerk/Recording Secretary, the written submission does not provide any new information, the request shall be forwarded to the Chief Administrative Officer/Resource Person for determination on whether a delegation may be scheduled. If, in the opinion of the Chief Administrative Officer/Resource Person, the written submission does not appear to provide any new information, the submission may be provided to Members as Correspondence.

In consideration of time restraints, the number of delegations may be limited and rescheduled at the discretion of the Clerk/Recording Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer/Resource Person.

A person who is not a Member shall not be allowed to address Members except upon approval of Members or as may be provided by law.

A person who has complied with Subsection 12.1 of this By-Law may speak for a period not exceeding five (5) minutes, except with the permission of the majority of Members present at the meeting.

The Chair shall advise the delegation when there is one minute remaining and once the time allotted to a delegation has expired, the Chair shall inform the delegation and the delegation shall immediately cease its presentation.

A delegation consisting of more than two (2) persons shall be limited to two (2) speakers, and each shall be limited to speaking for not more than five (5) minutes.

Members may make a decision in response to a Delegation during or directly following the Presentation. Members may seek clarification from the Delegation) but will not enter into a debate or discussion on the subject matter.

Subsections do not apply to any persons invited to attend the meeting as a Guest.

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